











Kelly - 02/19/00 00:32:07
Patriot or Tory?: A lover....(just kidding)
Favorite song: Sit Down John
Favorite character: John Adams, Mr. Thomson
Favorite other musical: Phantom of the Opera

This is by far one of my favorite musicals. I love the unique orchestration and song lyrics. This is definitely a must-see!

Jay Spoerl - 02/12/00 14:13:07
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot (What else?...)
Favorite song: Sit Down John
Favorite character: Thomas Jefferson
Favorite other musical: Oh What A Lovely War

My wife and I just finished seeing the Broadway production at the Weidner Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. (2/5/00) Loved it. I am reading a fascinating book called Aurora America, which was a newspaper founded by Benjamin Franklin, and continued on by his nephew Benny Bache. This book chronicles the rise and fall of this newspaper, and does not paint John Adams or George Washin ton in the best picture. The newspaper accused John Adams of wanting to allow the Presidency to become a monarchy. It also alleges the G. Washington shot and killed a French Diplomat, that seemed to trigger the French/Indian Wars?... Lots of unanswered questions I am having as I ead this book. Has anyone read it, or know of the rifts that were started between John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benny Bache?... One more note of interest. As I was traveling to work during the week, on the snowy roads of Central Wisconsin, I watched a bald eagle sail right over my car, while listening to "The Egg". Coincidence, or an anonymous gift from the hand of Providence? Love this page! Is anybody there?... Jay Spoerl Stevens Point, Wi

Kate McKnight Wippern - 02/12/00 03:11:13
Patriot or Tory?: Tory...just kidding
Favorite song: Momma Look Sharp
Favorite character: John & Abigail
Favorite other musical: tie: Les Miz and Evita

Just as Amy wrote in a recent entry, I will have the honor of directing this wonderful show this summer here in Fresno, CA for a community theatre company. We open July 4, 2000! Thank you so much for your excellent site--your biographies were of particu ar help to me.

Meg - 02/08/00 23:26:24
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot


donald terry - 02/05/00 08:22:28
My Email:donaldbeckysarah
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: Adams, Franklin, Rutledge
Favorite other musical: Man of LaMancha

A great web site. I first discovered '1776' in 1971 when I bought the original 331/3 album. When I heard it the first time, I knew I had to see it on stage and did for the first time in Chicago with Patrick Bedford as Adams and Rex Everhart as Franklin. I subsequently saw it in New York with John Cunningham as Adams, in Toledo with Joel Grey as Adams, and in Vero Beach, Florida. The lead in the Fla. version escapes me at this time, but it was an excellent production. I've watched the movie so many times I have worn it out. I only hope I can see another stage version sometime. Keep up the good work and keep us informed of any news on the subject and any future performances. Donald Terry

Teri - 02/04/00 08:45:31
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down John
Favorite character: Dr. Lyman Hall
Favorite other musical: Is there another?

Love the site...always checking back for updates. Oct 1999 is a long time. Love the "goodies"...especially "Treason". Please add more if you can. Can't remember when I became a fan...saw the film version on TV and have been hooked ever since. I won't buy a video version until they produce it in full ength and letterbox...but I do rent it when I feel the need...which can be quite often. Keep up the great work and I will definitely be back.

Jonathan Heller - 02/03/00 00:42:38
Favorite song: Molasses
Favorite character: Benjamin Franklin
Favorite other musical: Les Miserables

I love the move so much, that I watch it all the time, when I'm at home. I just love the songs!

Amy - 01/31/00 21:58:49
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: "Mr. Adams"
Favorite character: Rutledge
Favorite other musical: Into the Woods

I am directing this show in June 2000 in Central NJ. I did the show before (performing) and I'm very familiar with it. However if anyone can give me any suggestions, ideas or if you are interested in auditioning, please email me ASAP.Thanks!

Paul Liberti - 01/18/00 18:08:27
Patriot or Tory?: a Lover
Favorite song: Look sharp
Favorite character: Leather Apron
Favorite other musical: A Chorus Line

I am a musical theater performer haveing played many character roles including Barnaby Tucker to Carol Channing's Dolly, SHENNANDOAH W/John Rait and currently have a film on SHOWTIME and six National commercials and dozens of Voice over including Nickelo eon, MTV, Nick at Nite, TV Land, etc. I am the Snapple Guy and the new Jersey LOTZEE MAN featured on billboards and buses all over NJ! I met William Dual at Actors Equity while he was performing in the Broadway production of OUR TOWN (late 80's) after I had worked with Scot Jarvis (Original Courier) in Atlantic city in a production of Pal Joey. I told William that I had seen the film 17 6 at Radio City Music Hall in 1972 with my fourth grade class and he was the reason I became a character actor and I thanked him. He was blown away. He had recently been to the funeral and services of Scot Jarvis who had died of AIDS and said he got to ee many of the original cast for the first time in years. Scot was loved so dearly by all who knew him. He told me that the creators of 1776 could not cast Mrs. Jefferson and rehersals had begun in 1969 and in walked this girl fresh form Texas claiming t be a belter... it was Betty Buckley and it was her first New York audition and she was excited to say she was Miss Texas. (She got it needless to say and all the cast fell instantly in love with this 18 year old.) William told me when Papermill Playhous (in Milburn NJ) first did 1776 in the early 1970's that many of the Broadway company had to RE-AUDITION! and some did not get cast. This was shortly after the Broadway run had closed. His role of the Apron was being combined with another and he almost id not get to play it! They made him sing all his harmonies for MAMA LOOK SHARP and when he originally auditioned for the Broadway production he never even sang initially. I met him again during A FUNNY... FORUM in 1996 where he played the old man runnin around the hills seven times. I have done A CHORUS LINE, 42ND STREET, CABARET, ...FORUM, and many other shows around the world including Europe and Canada and around the United States all because of my first introduction to musical theater and 1776 in 1 72 with my fourth grade class! I will never forget that film on that large screen and being bowled over by the songs and costumes. You have not truly experienced the film unless you have seen it the size of a city block! I had never heard the phrases 'G d damn' and "Hell" used so many times and so often in one place ( Hey I was seven). I did get to Broadway by the ripe age of 14 (1977) in a play by Howard Ashman(Little Shop) and starring Herschel Bernardi called THE CONFIRMATION. Actually we flopped and closed in Previews after our run in Princeton at McCarter Theater, and the Annenberg Center in Philadelphia... and the reviews called us "DEATH OF AND INSTALLMENT PLAN SALESMAN" and worse. The owner of the Biltmore at that time said he would rather keep the theater dark than to move our play in! Ooops. They have been dark ever since. We were all devastated at that time and I realized I had better learn to sing and dance as being a serious actor was too much of a gamble for a profession. (I was naive a d 14) countless muscials later I find myself back in theater and less and less musical theater. I still owe a lot of love, memories, and thanks to 1776... it's casts and creators. I can still relive that first performance in my head... and at times I do Thanks for a great web site!

A.J. - 01/14/00 23:36:48
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: 'Cool, Considerate Men'
Favorite character: Adams
Favorite other musical: Grease 2 ('Reproduction')

Good site. I long for the day they release the FULL (180 min.), widescreen version of the film on either VHS, or, preferably, DVD, with either a bonus CD of the FILM soundtrack (already got the original broadway recording), or a seperate channel with the soundtrack. Interested in starting a petition to Columbia/Tri-Star? Let's talk.

Bob & Ellen McCarthy - 01/08/00 20:01:10

Loved the page!!!

Heshy - 01/06/00 19:11:04
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: All of them!
Favorite character: McKean
Favorite other musical: none

"Those dispatches ... arre the most deprrrrressing accumulation of disasterrr, doom, and despairrr in the entirre annals of military history!" ... well, my Scots accent isn't so great but I am constantly repeating that line and acting that role whenever I check my look in the mirror. First saw "1776" -- the film version -- in second grade, which was in 1972, and I've been hooked ever since. I became quite the aficionado of the Revolutionary period in American history and never understood why my fellow stud nts hated history class while I found it fascinating. I'm even considering auditioning for a local production in northern NJ but I have no theater experience . Great site, it's good to see sites devoted to this great show. Keep it up. :)

Actor George Vreeland Hill - 12/28/99 15:38:26
Patriot or Tory?: I played both!
Favorite song: Sit Down, John
Favorite character: Richard Henry Lee
Favorite other musical: Grease

Hi. I'm George Vreeland Hill. I love this show....AND THIS SIGHT! I was in an amateur production of this in New England. It was also the very first play I ever saw in New York City way back when! I am a big fan of 1776! It is great to see others with the same passion for this beautiful musical! Thank you so much. George Vreeland Hill.

- 12/23/99 01:39:58


mark nave - 11/01/99 04:17:22
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: "Sit Down, John"
Favorite other musical: Sweeney Todd

Saw "1776" in West Palm Beach toward end of run. According to a cutain announcement, William Daniels played the part of Josiah Barlett in the performance. Is that possible? It didn't sound like him. Could it have been another William Daniels, or did I jus misunderstand? Anyone know if there's an understudy in road show whose name is similar to Daniels?

goldy - 10/16/99 02:11:26
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: he plays the violin
Favorite character: ben franklin's gout
Favorite other musical: the king & I

your page is awesome. 1776 is my favorite movie and play (sadly enough i am 16, which must mean i have no life), but i love 1776.

Ruth Carver - 10/14/99 23:07:51
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: Mollasses to Rum
Favorite character: Dickenson
Favorite other musical: Anyone Can Whistle

I played in the pit for a production of this and fell in love. Not only is the music wonderful, but the book has a great depth which isn't reached in musicals very often.

Michael A. Conrad - 10/11/99 12:07:45
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down, John
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: The Music Man

Very nice site! I'm still hoping that the restored version of the movie will be released on DVD just as it was avaiable for a short time on laserdisk and tape. I missed those releases, and with the current trend of DVD resurrections, we can only hope t at "1776" is in the future! MAC

Paul Balfe - 10/11/99 03:22:33
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Is anybody There?
Favorite character: Stephen Hopkins
Favorite other musical: RENT

I worked at the Muny during as an usher. When I saw that we were going to do "1776", I had never heard and thought it would be a complete blow. However, by the time my service to the nosebleed section was over, I was hooked on the story, the music, and th characters. If it ever comes through Saint Louis, I would love to see it. I advise all to see it.

Rich - 10/09/99 16:15:50
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Molasses to Rum
Favorite character: Richard Henry Lee

I saw this film 15 yrs ago and it has never left me. I'm a history teacher now and I'm planning to use it to teach the Declaration. As a matter of fact I named my first son Henry after Richard Henry Lee.

Becky (alias Pierrette) - 10/07/99 23:47:39
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: uh oh...don't remember title
Favorite character: Benjamin Franklin
Favorite other musical: Houdini Musical

Hiya! Great to see a Web Site dedicated to this particular musical. My American History teacher made us watch the movie for class years ago when I was in High School. At first, I rolled my eyes up into the back of my head, thinking, "She has GOT to be IDDING!" But I LOVED it! Hysterical, I mean historical, education and enjoying it!

Lefty - 10/07/99 23:37:33
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: "Congressional Incubator" and "Sit Down John"
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Nothing compares to 1776

Man this is by far the best movie/musical Ive ever seen. I had to watch it for school and I really enjoyed watching it. I am going to buy the tape and soundtrack. And I will always love this movie for my whole life. It changed my perspective onn the whole Revolution thing.

SaraMichiru - 10/05/99 02:10:48
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Mama/Is Anybody There?
Favorite character: Thomas Jefferson/John Adams/Ben Franklin
Favorite other musical: Phantom of the Opera

Hey, "Mr. Feeny"'s high school in "Boy Meets World" _is_ called John Adams High, isn't it? ^_^ I loved him, he was such a great actor! The soundtrack and the video are really such fun to see/hear over and over... I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my appreciation of it.

Sarah Deveroe - 10/01/99 23:13:59
Patriot or Tory?: PATRIOT!!!
Favorite song: "He Plays the Violin"
Favorite character: Thomas Jefferson & Richard Henry Lee
Favorite other musical: The Sound of Music

I love this website...1776 is my favorite musical of all time. I love the dynamic characters, and, as a scholar of history, I think this is a fun way to teach and learn about the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Hank875 - 09/25/99 11:48:24
My Email:Hank
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Molasses to Rum
Favorite character: Ben Franklin
Favorite other musical: None that I know of

I am not a fan of musicals as a rule, but I must say this has been a huge favorite of mine since I was 7 years old. I am 24 now and if I could choose a role it would be Doctor Franklin by far. He brings a comic factor as well as some of the finest debate omments throughtout. I've read Doctor Franklin's biography and autobiopgraphy several times and he is certainly my most admired 18th century figure. I have practically memorized his lines throughout the play and if a production came through this area I wo ld certainly make an attempt to get the part, even though I realize I am much too young. I suppose I am a history buff, and I would consider it a strength of mine. Last year I took my mother to a local production of this play for her birthday, and even then I had goosebumps from "Molasses to Rum." because it takes such a strong voice to perform. I can say with great certainty that my life will not be complete until I play the part of Doctor Franklin in at least a small local prodution of this play. Please email me with comments if you wish to discuss it with me. Watching in the meantime, Hank

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