










Roger W. Dornbierer - 02/18/99 19:38:53
Patriot or Tory?: Lover
Favorite song: Molasses To Rum
Favorite character: Edward Rutledge
Favorite other musical: Camelot

My opinion on favorite character and song is completely biased since I have had the honor of portraying that role in a local production. There is no place better to begin that stating that this is the best musical ever written. Give credit to Sondheim, Lloyd-Webber and others for their talents, but this is quintissential Americana. The original reviews said 'you will enter the theater kn wing how it's going to end and within a half hour won't be so sure.' That is the best description of this delightful musical I've ever heard. I saw the revival with Brent Spinner at the Roundabout Theater and was taken back by the beauty and intimacy of production. The set and lighting were fantastic and I'm glad to see they ended the first act AFTER Momma Look Sharp. Some productions end aft r Cool Cool Considerate Men which leaves act II opening with McNair referencing the Conservatives that just walked out of Congress in the first act. Very unnatural. Ending with Momma was emotionally draining and the last light in the theater to go dark as the candle on the table. Brilliant! Not a dry eye or clear throat in the house. I'm not sure about the Gershwin Theater production, but the Roundabout used a revolving stage which was quite effective for scene changes, but was used magnificently to wisk Abigail Adams away from John at the end of their duets as their imagined liaison aded into reality. My only criticism of this was that at one point they actually touched. Since they are supposed to be over 300 miles apart, the two characters should ever physically meet. For actors, there isn't a bad part to play. You are on stage for long periods of time (most without dialogue which is an even greater acting challenge because you have to physically stay in character!) See this play and bring your kids. It will, hopefully, spark a patriotic chord with them that will last and influence a lifetime. Need a Rutledge? Drop me a line.

jennifer - 02/18/99 00:38:07
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down, John!
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: The Lion King

I first saw this show when I was what, 9, 10? My father made me sit down and watch the movie. It was love at first sight. I got to see it twice on Broadway, with each John Adams. I adore this show, and hope that someday it will come back again.

rett - 02/16/99 20:38:14
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: Is Anybody There?
Favorite character: Franklin
Favorite other musical: Cats


Anne-Lise - 02/15/99 02:05:35
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: But Mr. Adams and Lees of Virginia
Favorite character: Thomas Jefferson
Favorite other musical: Guys and Dolls

I first saw the movie in my American History class in high school. The next year all the students demanded to see it again in a different class. I have now seen the movie 4 times and am trying to make it required viewing for all of my friends here at co lege. I'm sorry I missed its run in New York, but hopefully will be able to see it live somewhere else. But the songs are so hilarious and wonderful, and the acting is first-rate. Jefferson, Franklin, Lee and Adams all come to brilliant life, and I am better person (at least better informed) because of 1776.

Dylan Reeves - 02/14/99 20:37:42
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down John
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Opal

Does anyone know of a current tour of 1776? If so please email me

Sunny - 02/13/99 00:15:23
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: Ben Franklin
Favorite other musical: Grease

1776 was a great movie! I liked and I'm only 11. The school chorus I'm in is doing all but 3 songs. We might even do speaking parts! I'm excited because I can't sing that well, but acting is my high spot. To anyone who doesn't like "1776" as Joh Adams would say "Good God!"

Miche/Michele M. McVeigh - 02/03/99 09:13:16
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: Adams
Favorite other musical: Sweeney Todd

Great Site! I'm a stage director, working in local theatre in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as a revolutionary history buff, and I think your site is fantastic! It must have taken you a long time to listen to the songs over and over and type them out. That's devot on, Sir! That's devotion! I remember when I first discovered "1776" as a teenager. It launched a life long (through age 33, anyway) fascination with American History, particularly the Colonial and Revolutionary period(s). Back then, when you couldn't just walk into a video store and get a copy of anything you want, and I remember waiting avidly for the Fourth of July to roll around so I could watch the film, and later, considering it a life-and-death situation when attempting to tape it on our first VCR. I still have that tape! Incidentally, good for you for including such accurate and interesting historical information in your site! Do you own a copy of the play? I mean the manuscript. If not, and I guess you don't, or you wouldn't be wondering about lyric accuracy, I would e happy to photocopy (illegal, I know) it for you, or scan it and e-mail it to you, but that might take longer. (I think I did notice a couple of small discrepancies, or at least what I think are discrepancies, in the lyrics, but I'll have to find my sco e or libretto to be certain.) Not only does this have the complete text, but includes fascinating information about the writing of the play, and the facts of the real story, i.e., what is factual, what has been changed for the sake of drama, what has bee enhanced for same, what has been simplified for continuity sake, etc. Considering your level of interest, it is definitely worth a look. I once had an opportunity to audition for the role of Abigail, but alas, didn't get the part. Two call-backs, too! I would dearly love to direct "1776" someday. Who knows? Wanna be my technical consultant? Incidentally, did I read that you have never seen the play? You must! It is even better live. What I wouldn't give to have seen the original cast, huh? Broadway today, even off Broadway, sucks, for the most part. Again, great site. Look forward to hearing back from you. Please write back. None of my friends find this work so endlessly absorbing! 'til then... Miche/Michele M. McVeigh P.S. What are some of your favorite quotes? I find that most of mine are, actually, historically correct, if you research it. My current top three are: Adams: "I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm and that three, or more, become a CONGRESS!" (Yes, he really wrote that!) Franklin: "Mr. Dickinson, you should know that Rebellion is always legal in the first person, such as 'Our Rebellion'. It is only in the third person, 'Their Rebellion' which it is Illegal." (Yes, he really said that!) Franklin: "Not everybody's from Boston, John!" ('course, I would like that one, being a born and bred Bostonian) Also, are you a history buff, as well? If so, what are some of your favorite books? Miche

Mellissa Chandler - 01/31/99 16:33:06
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot, I suppose
Favorite song: Cool, Cool Men+But Mr.Adams
Favorite character: John Adams+Richard Henry Lee
Favorite other musical: Fiddler on the Roof, Phantom of the Opera

Great site! I love the pictures and midis!

Jon Taylor - 01/27/99 05:37:39
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: Mama, Look Sharp
Favorite character: Leather Apron
Favorite other musical: Wizard Of Oz

Could you send me some more information about the character "Leather Apron"? I would really like to know any and all tidbits you can find about that. We really enjoyed your sight! A local theatre company is doing 1776 soon, and would like some info. Thank !! -Jon Taylor

Tina M. Decker - 01/19/99 05:35:15
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: all of them
Favorite character: John Adams

Looking for a place I could buy movie stills of the movie.My computer is not that great. Does anyone know if this movie will be released on DVD and if so will it be adding the missing scenes?

Sarah and Leeanne - 01/17/99 03:38:04
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: The Lees of Old Virginia, Sit Down John, But Mr. Adams, He Plays the Violin
Favorite character: Benjamin Franklin
Favorite other musical: Singin' in the Rain

We LOVE this movie. We saw it in our history class and now we're basing our final exam skit on it. The music is great (except for Momma Look Sharp). We would have to say that the movie slows down considerably after the Molasses song. Singin' in the Rain i awesome! Donald O'Connor ROCKS!

Crystal - 01/13/99 16:11:53
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: do I have to pick just one? Till Then & But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: Ben Franklin, John Adams, & Thomas Jefferson. Sorry, cannot decide on one.
Favorite other musical: Singin' in the Rain

I love this movie! It really moves me and makes me feel a overwhelming desire to jump up and join in their fight. John Adams is so determined, it's very impressive. Thank you for giving us this wonderful page to visit and share our thoughts on. Till Then ..

Chris. - 01/07/99 03:10:07
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot.
Favorite song: The Egg, Piddle Twiddle and Resolve.
Favorite character: John Adams.
Favorite other musical: Hello, Dolly! and Blood Brothers.

There should be more B'way websites like this! Especially for Hello, Dolly! Other songs I like are Sit down John, But Mr. Adams, and the Lees of Old Virginia. This site is awesome!

walter - 01/05/99 22:56:54
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down John
Favorite character: McNair
Favorite other musical: you mean there are others?

I am once again offering copies of the Laserdisc version of 1776 with restored footage, hi fi sound, etc. etc. to all patriots interested. Please email me and I will give you all the details. Sweet jesus!

MELENA :o) - 12/29/98 23:55:09

Love your site! Visit mine someday :)

Dylan Reeves - 12/23/98 21:35:46
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down John
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Opal

I'm looking for the Opening monologue by John Adams right before the sing Sit Down John. It starts off I have come to the conclusion that 1 useless man is called a disgrace, two, a law firm, and 3 or more become a congress... Please e-mail me if you have he monologue. The script is out of print so I can not buy the script. Thanks

Siobhan - 12/15/98 20:56:10
My Email:Shibbs712 @
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot!
Favorite song: Cool, Cool, Considerate Men
Favorite character: Thomas Jefferson
Favorite other musical: Les Miserables


Josh Fine - 12/15/98 17:42:13
Favorite song: But Mr. Adams
Favorite character: John Adams

I played John Adams in a school play in 1987. It's a great musical and this is a great idea...

jessica - 12/09/98 22:54:28
Patriot or Tory?: PATRIOT
Favorite song: SIT DOWN JOHN
Favorite character: JOHN ADAMS
Favorite other musical: CABARET


Caitlin - 11/22/98 03:31:32
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: But Mr. Adams; He Plays His Violin
Favorite character: THOMAS JEFFERSON
Favorite other musical: Phantom Of the Opera; Ragtime

I thought this movie was the greatest!!! My favorite President is Thomas Jefferson and I love how he was shown in 1776!! This site is awesome cuz of all the film clips and pictures!

Did - 11/17/98 21:12:01
Patriot or Tory?: Patritot
Favorite song: Is anybody there?
Favorite character: Adams
Favorite other musical: Newsies King & I OKLAHOMA

1776 is the best move/play.

Branden Loizides - 11/12/98 18:43:53
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Great web page! I'm not sure if you know, but the recent production of 1776 (the one with Brent Spiner) has been released on music CD. With the CD comes lots of information about the production, the actors, its success, etc...

10/28/98 10:52:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Amy Smith - 10/05/98 03:19:32
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Momma Look Sharp
Favorite character: Richard Henry Lee
Favorite other musical: How can I choose just one?????

About a year ago, a friend of my mother's gave us free tickets to see a musical called 1776, which we, who are musical buffs, had never heard anything about. Well, we weren't sure what to expect, but shortly after it started, we were glad to be surprised, IT WAS WONDERFUL!! At the time I was in high school, and taking an American Histry class, well, this musical brought the year 1776 alive for me and my mother. I could actually "feel" the heat in the building and the massive debate came to life, it was a w nderful experience for me.

Julie - 10/04/98 20:36:14
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot. I am a definite rebel.
Favorite song: well, of any musical, I'd say "On the Street Where You Live" from My Fair Lady
Favorite character: from any musical: Eliza Dolittle from My Fair Lady
Favorite other musical: tough choice... either Les Misérables, The Secret Garden, RENT, or... you guessed it...My Fair Lady

Hi there... Nice page! I really enjoyed my visit... If you get the chance, drop by my site. I have majorly renovated my page, and in my musical theatre section I have a weekly quiz, survey, featured musical, and more... Have a great day! :)

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