










Michelle Lafu - 06/04/99 20:38:19


Scott Denny - 05/27/99 17:22:17
Patriot or Tory?: Pat!
Favorite song: Lees, Til Then
Favorite character: Franklin cracks me up
Favorite other musical: Falsettos, Gypsy, too many others

HUZZAH!! I was thrilled to see a site for this grand show! I first saw the movie in high school when I just started performing and when video tapes were a new thing. The first live production I saw was at the Merry Go Round Playhouse in Syracuse NY in 94. My friend Tony played Rutledge. It had always been his favorite show, and his enthusiam for it rekindled my interest. Sadly I missed the revival last year, but I am thrilled to be doing the upcoming national tour this fall. The material on your site has b en great for research. Contact me if you would like the itinerary for the tour.

Noelle Young - 05/14/99 23:02:01
Patriot or Tory?: PATRIOT
Favorite song: But Mr Adams...
Favorite character: John Adams of course
Favorite other musical: The Scarlet Pimpernel

It is SO nice to see a 1776 site on the net. Being a huge American History and theatre fan this show satisfies my eccentric addictions on all levels. It's great as a movie, on a bway stage or in local or regional theatre (I've seen it in North Carolina here Terrence Mann was Richard Henry Lee boy was THAT interesting). May this show continue to live with the legacy of that which it portrays

Gary & Abby - 05/14/99 04:03:04
Patriot or Tory?: Patriots!
Favorite song: Til then
Favorite character: John and Abigail
Favorite other musical: Les Mis

Wow! Thanks for a great experience! Our son thought that we were the only people on earth who are crazy about this musical! We do have the extended version on laser disc--we ordered it from a music/video store. It is wonderful! William Daniels and Vi ginia Vestoff are our all time favorites! If anyone has met either one of these actors or has any information (especially on the late Ms. Vestoff) it would be greatly appreciated if you shared it with us! Great web site!

Dan Tully - 05/13/99 23:24:18
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Is Anybody There?
Favorite character: Ben Franklin
Favorite other musical: Blood Brothers

I can't believe that there is a 1776 homepage. I stumbled across it and found out that there are other people who have seen the movie, the play, and read the script. It is by far my most favorite play, and I'm glad that it has reached so many people. T anks for taking the time to create this page.

Brian Torgerson - 05/11/99 15:51:05
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit down John
Favorite character: John Hancock
Favorite other musical: Into the woods


Patrick Schley - 05/10/99 22:49:50
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Is Anybody There?
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Anything composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber

The first time I saw 1776, I loved it! I've seen the movie, and heard the soundtracks. I walk around singing the songs. I've read the entire script. This is a great musical!

Crystal - 05/05/99 17:14:39
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: All of them!!!
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Les Miserables, Grease and Singin' In The Rain

Hey. This is the 2nd time I've signed this guestbook. I NEED HELP! Can anyone Please tell me where I can find more information on Ken Howard who plays Thomas Jefferson in the movie? Or some other features he's been in. I've been unsuccessful. Also, does a yone know how I can get the unedited version which includes the scene with "Cool Cool Considerate Men"? I saw the pictures that were added on to this site from that scene. I would VERY much appreciate it! Thanks so much! (please email me if you can help m )

Chris F. - 05/01/99 02:37:47
My URL:None yet.
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot!
Favorite song: All of them :)
Favorite character: John Adams-- who else?
Favorite other musical: Evita

The first time I saw '1776' when I was about 10 or 11. I didn't remember much about it, but I just saw it again. and I LOVED it. The songs are fantastic. Anyway, great job with the site.

Avery Vincent - 04/28/99 22:49:24
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot, of course.
Favorite song: Molasses to Rum
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Les Miserables

I have told the owner of this site that I have transcribed (the edited version of) 1776 into a script. Any of you interested, let me know, I'll email it to you, scene by scene, free of charge.

Joseph Beach - 04/28/99 14:19:19
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Molasses to Rum
Favorite character: Co. Thomas McKean
Favorite other musical: Little Night Music

I saw the movie when it first came out in father took my sister and I (I was about 12 at the time) to see it, as she was playing in the pit orchestra for a local production of it. I fell in love with the show, and have never lost my enthusi m for it (although I have lost several girl friends who narrow mindedly refused to watch it with me). I am extremely excited to hear that an extended version is out.....any help in locating it would be most appreciated. Your obedient (drum role). J. Beach

Laurie - 04/22/99 11:04:02
Patriot or Tory?: A Patriot!
Favorite song: Sit Down John, Cool Considerate Men
Favorite character: John Adams, John Dickenson
Favorite other musical: Camelot, Jesus Christ Superstar

When I saw this movie in the seventh grade (wow-24 years ago now!), it really drew me in and flamed my interest in the American Revolution. It was on TV a few years later, and I sat next to the television and audiotaped it (long before VCRs kids!) then listened to it over and over again. A few years ago, I had the chance to go to Philadelphia, and had an awesome time on the tour of Independence Hall.(A pilgrimage of sorts!) Now I've just had the opportunity to see the ENTIRE version of the movie for the very first time. Even better than I could have hoped. This is a great website, and I was happy

mel - 04/13/99 20:59:19
Patriot or Tory?: independant
Favorite song: sit down john
Favorite character: adams
Favorite other musical: RENT, into the woods, Assassins...

i need HELP, my director wants the revised version of the movie (the new one with the previously cut parts put back in). So if anyone knows where i can get a copie of it, although it can not be DVD (he doesn't have a DVD player) i will be forever greatful

Rena - 04/06/99 02:01:16
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Sit Down, John
Favorite character: John Adams
Favorite other musical: Cats + Little Shop of Horrors + Into the Woods

Really a cool, considerate page :). We did this musical in our community theatre. (My college professor played Adams). It the first time I'd ever heard of it. I fell instantly, passionately in love with it :)!! Thanks, and blessings all!!

Scott Tauber - 03/29/99 03:36:38
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: Cool, Cool, Considerate Men
Favorite character: Adams
Favorite other musical: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

I am glad to find a site to share my enjoyment of this excellent, if little known, musical. Actually, I believe the story could stand on its own as a straight play, but the music certainly gives it that extra dimension. I would like to ask a question that has been nagging at me ever since I saw the musical many years ago: "Neddy" Rutledge sings of "Molasses to Rum to Slaves". How exactly is Boston involved in the "Triangle Trade"? Do they obtain the slaves and sell them to the Southerners? Somehow, this is never fully explained in the plot.

Ken Leicht - 03/26/99 20:02:17
Patriot or Tory?: Independent
Favorite song: But Mr. Adams
Favorite character: Ben Franklin
Favorite other musical: Chicago

My first exposure to 1776 was in high school American Lit. We had to read the play aloud in class. Later they showed us the film. It's become a favorite of mine. The Special Edition Laserdisc is one of my most played video items. Great job on the sit . Cheers!

Paul - 03/24/99 03:03:39
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: lee
Favorite character: Ms. Adams
Favorite other musical: camelot

I first saw this on tv about 20 years ago with my brothers and sisters. I very much enjoyed it, and for some reason, it has always stayed with me and them. Thanks for a great site and for bringing back some fun memories.

Brandon Thornburg - 03/17/99 21:10:24
Patriot or Tory?: Lover
Favorite song: Molasses to Rum; The Lees
Favorite character: RH Lee
Favorite other musical: Sweeney Todd, Les Miserables, Rent

Great page, thanks for the lyrics!

Karl - 03/14/99 17:35:21
Patriot or Tory?: Neither Nascar Fan

Great page ! Lots of work Has Gone on in here! Please sign my GB! thanks for letting me visit!

Andrew Gray - 03/12/99 23:57:55
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: Is anybody there?
Favorite character: Franklin
Favorite other musical: Fiddler on the Roof

I've been a big fan of 1776 ever since I was very little (I'm 17). It's the best play I've ever seen. Great site!

Betsy Ross - 02/27/99 17:11:35
Patriot or Tory?: patriot
Favorite song: the egg
Favorite character: Ben Franklin
Favorite other musical: Yankee Doodle Dandy

Love this movie and own the video. Thanks for the web site!

Mark Ulrich - 02/27/99 02:44:33
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot.
Favorite song: Oh Momma...
Favorite character: Courier
Favorite other musical: Rent

I like your website. After I saw 1776, I had a craving to hear the music again, and thanks to your wonderful MIDIs, I can. Thanks for providing this web-site, it is great.

Sunny - 02/22/99 23:37:44
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot
Favorite song: But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: Franklin, Adams
Favorite other musical: How can I choose?

I'm the same person who liked "Grease". If there are any kids about 9-12, who like "1776". Let me know! Adults, don't pretend to be a kid. Bye!

Terri L. Thomas - 02/22/99 21:27:27
Patriot or Tory?: PATRIOT!!!!!!!
Favorite song: Sit Down John.
Favorite character: Franklin
Favorite other musical: Camelot

I love this musical. I saw it years ago in the theater. A few years ago I saw it on T.V. and I made my husband watch it. He fell in love with it. Our oldest sons name is John so we use the son "Sit Down John." a lot. It really is a wonderful musical nd we love it a lot.

Regine - 02/21/99 06:31:42
My URL:Not yet, sorry...
Patriot or Tory?: Patriot, definitely.
Favorite song: Lees of Old Virginia or The Egg or Sit Down, John or maybe But, Mr. Adams
Favorite character: In the original - John Adams. In the revival - Richard Henry Lee.
Favorite other musical: Lion King.

Great page! But this musical deserves nothing less. I saw the revival at the Roundabout Theatre with my grandparents. I'd not been expecting such a vibrant, funny production! (Any 17-year-old who's dragged off to the theater with a promise of "fun" is inclined to be slightly reluctant... but I was absolutely captivated!) I wish I could have had t e opportunity to see William Daniels as John Adams - he's one of my all-time favorites - but Brent Spiner did a great job, and the rest of the cast was spectacular as well. (Also I think John Corbett as Rutledge must have been terrific. Oh well.) Anyway, thanks for posting this site - as I said, "1776" deserves it! PS - Feel free to e-mail me if you have information on touring or are otherwise interested in exchanging ideas.

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