Howard Da Silva
Benjamin Franklin

From original Playbill: Howard Da Silva is as widely versatile as the character he portrays. One of the theatre's most accomplished and well-known performers, he functions not only as actor and director, but also as producer and playwright. Last season he starred as the Archbishop in The Unknown Soldier and His Wife; the season before he staged for Broadway My Sweet Charlie, and as a playwright he co-authored The Zulu and the Zayda. Mr. Da Silva's acting career began in 1929 and has been enormously successful ever since. Musical comedy audiences will recall him as the original Judd in Oklahoma! and as Ben Marino in Fiorello! who sang Little Tin Box and Politics and Poker. As an actor in more than forty films, he was nominated for Academy Awards for his performances in The Lost Weekend and Two Years Before the Mast, and received a British Academy Award nomination as the psychiatrist in David and Lisa.

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