Stephen Hopkins, Delaware

    For almost fifty years, Hopkins had been involved with Rhode Island politics. He served in its legislature and was elected governor nine times. As chief justice of the Rhode Island superior court, he refused to allow a group of Americans to be arrestedwhen they burned a British ship to protest British Navigation Acts.
    Hopkins was always a adherent of independence, and opposed reconciliation with Britain.Hopkins was also a strong supporter of abolition, having already freed the slaves on his estate. He was known as "Old Grape and Guts" because he loved to drink and he always wore his Quaker's hat in Congress.
    At age 69, Hopkins was one of the oldest delegates and suffered from palsy. As such his signature on the Declaration is shaky. However, he said, "My hand trembles, but my heart does not."
    Hopkins returned to Providence in 1779 and died in 1785 at age 78.

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